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new here.

new here ?

First Visit to the Potters House Church, here is what you can expect!


Expect to be greeted and made to feel welcomed. We know how it feels to be new to a setting but we delight in making our guests feel comfortable.

connect to god

Expect that God will speak, we open the doors of the church early so people can pray because we want God to meet with us and show Himself strong.

sweet truth

Expect to hear the full gospel in a loving and direct manner, by His grace you will hear the truth and nothing but the whole truth.

feel loved

Expect to feel loved however you are. Thank God that Jesus didn't come for good people only, but to seek and save the lost and struggling also.

feel concerned

Expect us to be concerned for you and your welfare, we delight in knowing that you are seeking to make it on this beautiful journey with God.

feel supportive

Expect to be supported by our prayers.

for children

Don’t have child care?.. please don’t let that hold you back. Your children are gifts from God and we have a vibrant Children’s Sunday school team that teaches our children about Jesus and Christian living, helping them to enjoy church and enabling you to hear the word in service.

first visit

Maybe you just gave your life to Jesus and got saved or maybe you are yet to do so, I encourage you to visit us again and think about the words you heard in service.

next steps

Considering what the next options is…? First things first, if you haven’t already given your life to Jesus and got saved, Now is the time. There is no magic formula but, the bible does say:

The above is only a very brief outline. I encourage you to speak to any of the workers in the congregation. Our Elevation Group on Sunday morning is there to help accelerate new people in the first steps in their walk with God and reinforce a strong foundation. So we welcome you to this family of believers in Christ and we look forward to seeing you worship with us.